Sunday, April 29, 2012

Just Me

Sometimes when I can't seem to figure something out in my mind, or when I keep having negative thoughts about something or someone over and over, I write.  I just write unhindered, not for others to see, but just whatever comes in my mind at that moment. Stream-of-consciousness writing.

I was doing some of this stream-of-consciousness writing the other day, trying to work through some troubling emotions.  It was concerning feelings of rejection for not "measuring up" to someone else's unforeseen standards.  As I was writing, after about a page and a half, the pen just wrote, seemingly by itself: "I am me and that is enough."  I thought, "There it is!  That's the answer I was looking for!"  I felt an instant peace come over me with this new realization.

I continued the thought and wrote a little poem thing:

I don't need you to understand me to make me whole.
I am me, and that is enough.
I don't need to perform in hopes of gaining your favor.
I am me, and that is enough.
I don't need to work to be deemed worthy by you.
I am me, and that is enough.
It is enough for God.
It is enough for me.
Just me.
I am enough.

That's it.  Coming to this realization somehow took away my anger and resentment toward this person, and also reminded me of the truth I read in a quote not long ago:

If you are your authentic self, there is no competition.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Beginning Again

I wanted a place to write and express myself where I wouldn't be judged.
So here it is -- my new blog.